
Washington Beech

Roslindale, MA

The HOPE VI redevelopment of Washington Beech includes demolition of the existing 266 units and creation of 206 new rental units. The new site design reduces density to be more in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood. A variety of unit types replace the existing institutional walk-ups including a low-rise elevator building, garden apartments, duplexes over flats, and townhouses. New roads were built so that all unit entries front on a street and residents can park nearby. A central green space with play facilities and park benches is provided for young children and adults.

Construction of Washington Beech occurred in two stages to accommodate the relocation and re-housing of existing residents. Residents began relocation of the first phase buildings in the summer of 2008. Lease up of the new buildings was completed in December 2011, three months ahead of schedule.

Redevelopment of Washington Beech cost approximately $100 million, with $20 million provided through federal HOPE VI funds and $10 million through federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding. Other funders include the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through the HOME, HSF and AHT programs, the City of Boston’s Neighborhood Housing Trust Program, Department of Public Works, and Department of Neighborhood Development, the Boston Water and Sewer Commission and private equity generated from the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax credits through RBC Capital Markets.


Total Development Cost
$100 million

Phase 1 Completed: 2010
Phase 2 Completed: 2011


  • LEED GOLD Award: Washington Beech Phase One has been officially designated a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) GOLD site by the US Green Building Council, making it the first affordable housing development in Massachusetts to receive this distinguished designation. Prior to this award, only 87 units in the state held this award: Washington Beech Phase One has more than doubled the number of LEED Gold units in the state of Massachusetts.

Washington Beech

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