
Van Dyke III

Brooklyn, NY

Van Dyke III is a 12-story, mixed-use, affordable housing project located in the Brownsville area of Brooklyn, N.Y. on the site of the Van Dyke Houses NYCHA development. The project created 180 units of new housing affordable to households from 30% to 60% of the Area Median Income. In addition to the residential component, an Early Childhood Educational Center, a Community Health Clinic and a Wellness Center enrich the neighborhood with community services and enliven the pedestrian experience. On-site resident amenities will include a playroom, a computer lab, a fitness room, a tenant lounge, a community room, an accessible roof deck, tenant roof gardening plots, a package delivery room, and a ground floor outdoor recreational area. The building is covered with free Wi-Fi to facilitate remote working for everyone.

The new building is sited at a location formerly used as trash compacting area. As part of the project a new compacting area was built off-site on an adjacent block, and the development site was fully remediated under the New York State's Brownfield Cleanup Program by removing and disposing of all encountered regulated contamination. Adjacent parts of NYCHA's Van Dyke campus were also improved with landscaping, barbeque pit and various outdoor games. Finally, a large mural on one of the building's north walls features 17 Brownsville-based celebrities covering policy, sports, community organizing, TV and chess.

Mixed-Use, Affordable

Total Development Cost
$101.3 Million

