
Curtis Apartments

Worcester, MA

The Curtis Apartments site in the Great Brook Valley neighborhood of Worcester, MA, is undergoing a significant redevelopment to modernize its 372-unit public housing community. This redevelopment, occurring over four phases, includes the complete demolition of outdated 1950s-era buildings and the construction of 527 modern, energy-efficient apartments. The project ensures one-for-one replacement of the existing units, allowing current residents the right to return, and adds 155 new units for families earning up to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI). Trinity Financial was selected as the lead developer for the project by the Worcester Housing Authority (WHA) through a competitive RFP process.

The redevelopment also includes the creation of the WHA's Economic Opportunity Center (EOC) and the redevelopment of the Great Brook Valley Branch of the Worcester Public Library. The EOC will host property management offices, self-sufficiency, and supportive service programs for Curtis residents and neighbors of Great Brook Valley.

The redevelopment plan commits to an ambitious sustainability agenda. The first phase will meet LEED Gold and Enterprise Green Communities standards, while the second phase will pursue certification under the Phius Passive House program. Site improvements will feature new roadways, walkways, and increased parking capacity. Additionally, the redevelopment includes the creation of a public town green and park with play areas.

The project is funded by multiple entities, including state and federal agencies and private investors. Operating subsidies are provided by Project-Based Section 8 and Faircloth-to-RAD. The Curtis Apartments redevelopment aims to create a sustainable and vibrant community, addressing affordable housing needs and enhancing neighborhood stability.

Public Housing Revitalization

Total Development Cost, Phase 1
$96.6 million

Completion Date, Phase 1

Curtis Apartments

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